
Location Model Update

KfW Enhances Open Project Location Model

KfW is also working on an update of the Open Project Location Model. The Open Project Location Model is a data model to systematically collect location-specific information in projects supported by international development cooperation in a structured way. It was developed by the KfW Development Bank, which is using and improving it together with their peers and partners. The model is currently provided in Excel format (xlsx) to be used in combination with a KML file. Data related to specific project locations should be collected according to this standard. The project location model utilizes mostly predefined categories under the IATI standard and built-in selection methods facilitating clean data entry. A main difference to the IATI-standard is that the existing, insufficient IATI list of location types (e.g., “well” or “school”) has now been expanded by 197 new project location types, including “immaterial” ones like “Capacity Development / Training” or “Voucher Scheme”, that cannot be plotted according to any physical feature on a map, but can defined by the area covered by them. Therefore, the definition of “location type” is also adapted as “project output- or intervention-related type of physical location or immaterial output- or intervention area”. This way, it is aimed at covering all physical and immaterial location types required by international development cooperation standards.

Looking forward to your feedback on this model on Github!


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