KfW Update
Geospatial Insight for Development Cooperation: Over 50.000 Project Locations Mapped
At KfW Development Bank, we are pleased to announce the completion of our georeferenced project location dataset across Sub-Saharan Africa, which includes over 50,000 distinct project sites in various sectors such as water supply, renewable energy, health, education, agriculture, and forestry. This database enhances our ability to plan, monitor, and evaluate project progress and impacts, ensuring targeted and effective interventions.
Each location was mapped using an open-source data model tailored for international development cooperation. We made this model available as a json-schema and also provided an Excel template to collect the relevant information. The model incorporates predefined categories based on International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) standards, ensuring harmonized and comprehensive data. This improvement boosts our internal reporting and geospatial analysis while serving as a valuable resource for other organizations in the development community who can use the model for their own data collection efforts.
This milestone marks a significant advancement in using digital tools for sustainable development, enabling KfW to better target investments and allocate resources, thus increasing the impact and accountability of our projects in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Example Map of our western Africa portfolio